The TSENET Links Page: The Keys to the Highway

Links . . . connections . . . tying one entity to another. The Net is built on all sorts of links, both physical and conceptual. These collections of link sites run the gamut - from structured, subject-specifc indexes to eclectic personal hotlists. For the truly adventurous, there's even a randomly-generated link to "somewhere". Use these pointers to find certain types of information, begin "just for fun" surfing tours or anything in between.

Start Here . . .with Tim's Favorite Links

Alfred University

Alfred State College

Postcards, send and receive

X-Files Reference Site

Disney's Buena Vista Movie Plex

Then Try These. . .


MecklerWeb Home Page

The Awesome List 1.25

Jason Smith's WWW Surfing Pages

Rare Groove - WWW Tip Sheet

EINet Galaxy


The English Server

What's Hot and Cool

Old Rev Door URL's

Dan's Hotlist @ Brown Univ.

NetSpace Hotlist

Rei's Home Page

Justin's Links from the Underground

Fun and Games

Any comments or suggestions will be gladly accepted at:

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